About Me

I’m Jonathon! I go by many names though as I am Jon to co-workers, Cwik to friends, and Jonathon to family. I have been in the software industry for 10+ years now and I know that I found my calling from the first time I programmed my TI-83 calculator to do my geometry and physics work for me in high school (I argued that if I could break the equations down into programmatic steps, I should be allowed to use that program, and won that argument).

I enjoy snowboarding, rock climbing, camping, movies and tv. I have a drive for leadership and mentorship, and a thirst to understand the pros and cons of every decision and the underlying principles that make good decisions, good decisions.

I hope you enjoy what I have to say or want to suggest a correction, there’s usually a comment section, or you can email me at jonathon@cwikcode.com.